HRC February Newsletter
Today marks the one year anniversary of the first Cannabis Review Board recreational dispensary hearing which discussed and approved Story Dispensary and what a year it has been! After that first hearing, the cannabis retail implementation process was exposed and our community rallied. As a result:
Hoboken’s elected officials changed the cannabis ordinances (Common Sense Cannabis Regulations) to reflect the needs of the community.
The Cannabis Review Board was expanded and diversified to include four additional members of the community, moving away from what appeared to be an administration conflict of interest.
Six dispensaries were permitted under our ordinances and approved, two of which are being litigated.
Hoboken for Responsible Cannabis was founded to consolidate resident activism to become one voice for the responsible implementation of cannabis dispensaries.
As a community, we were able to shed a light on a process that lacked transparency and effect change even when it felt like an uphill battle and our work continues.
Now, at the one year mark, cannabis related issues have pivoted slightly from municipal approvals to regulation, state licensing and litigation. We, as a community, need to stay engaged and vigilant as this process evolves, because one thing we have learned over this past year is that we are navigating uncharted waters. If you haven’t already, please visit our website Learn about our non profit and please consider making a contribution DONATE. All donations will be used to offset the significant litigation costs. No contribution is too small.
February Highlights
There are NO cannabis dispensaries opened in Hoboken…pass it on. Over the past month, members of the community have been emailing HRC and posting on social media sites asking if the smoke shop bodegas are state regulated cannabis dispensaries. In fact, some residents are claiming that they are getting marijuana products from the smoke shops.
Smoke shop bodegas are not legal cannabis dispensaries and aren’t forthcoming with that fact with their clientele. This could become a larger problem once licensed dispensaries open in town, as the unregulated bodegas engaging in unregulated sales could undercut prices of the legitimate dispensaries. They could also offer potentially harmful or less effective products. The state licensing process is lengthy and rigorous, and cannabis dispensaries shouldn’t have to compete with an overt black market. HRC has notified the City Council and they are working with law enforcement on this issue. Going forward, the CRB will need to figure out how to protect the cannabis dispensaries they approved.
The NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) has received a letter from concerned Hoboken residents opposing Story Dispensary. A letter was sent to the state CRC and signed by 35 residents opposed to the Story Dispensary. HERE The letter outlines in detail the political influence and deceptive ownership structure surrounding this application. This letter needed to get to the CRC before this newsletter was published, and we would like to re-send the letter with as many additional signatures as possible. To add your name, reply to this email expressing your interest and forward to friends and neighbors who may also want to be added.
The NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) gives Blue Violets a state annual license on February 8th. The pending litigation did not factor into the state's decision. The state views the litigation as a municipal issue that needs to be resolved independent of the state licensing process. The HRC has always supported Blue Violets as a cannabis micro dispensary business which was reaffirmed by the state. HRC’s issue with Blue Violets and at the center of the litigation, has always been about its proximity to primary schools and that it violates Hoboken’s Common Sense Cannabis ordinances.
HRC vs Blue Violets and Hoboken Planning Board court date has moved to July 18th. HRC was notified last week that the Hoboken Planning Board attorney who presided over the Blue Violets hearing is no longer working for the Hoboken Planning Board and a new attorney has been appointed. The new attorney needed to get up to speed with the case and asked the court for a delay which was granted. The court date is July 18th.
Recently, Blue Violets sent HRC a settlement offer which was turned down after a thorough evaluation and consulting with the HRC attorney. The HRC continues to support Blue Violets business plan and has offered to help Blue Violets engage the city and find a new location that adheres to the city ordinances.
Condo Assoc vs Story and Fulop/Nussbaum court date has moved to June 12th. The Condo Association litigation has been extended to facilitate a mediation process involving all parties. There has been no news on the progress of the mediation. In the litigation, on February 3rd, the court granted permission to the Condo Association to reinstate their complaints against Story LLC that had been dismissed by the courts in August. Story LLC will join the multi-count claim, including common law fraud and civil conspiracy, that have continued against Fulop and Nussbaum. According to the current court docket, although compelled by the Judge, Fulop/Nussbaum have not complied with and are attempting to quash for the testimony of Raj Murkherji and two banks.
Village Dispensary (516 Washington Street) had its first planning board meeting on February 7th. This is the last dispensary to go before the Planning Board for a conditional use approval. Village presented a complete business and architecture plan and were questioned by members of the community familiar with the conditions necessary to receive approval. The Planning Board will reconvene on March 7th at 7 p.m. to hear the applicant’s Planner presentation which will be first on the agenda and the hearing should conclude that evening. The Planning Board meetings have been the best lens into the operations of the cannabis businesses and the different issues that surround each applicant. You will get informed by attending the Planning Board meeting.
CRC Upcoming Meetings – The state Cannabis Regulatory Commission will meet on March 2nd to consider another group of dispensaries for state licensing. The agenda has not been posted.
Register to speak here. Deadline to register to speak at the March 2nd meeting will be Tuesday, February 28th at 5 p.m.